Degrees and Requirements
Management Information Systems Minor
Requirements: 18 credits
The minor must be completed within the student's graduation timetable.
Summary of Requirements
Required Courses: 18 credits
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
This course provides step-by-step progression, with detailed explanations and many illustrations, from the basic of mathematical functions and operations to the design and use of such techniques as codes, indicators, control-breaks, arrays, pointers, file updates, report handling, data structures, and object-oriented programming. The tools of problem solving, including decision tables and trees, structure charts, IPO charts, algorithms, and flow-charts are demonstrated and explained. Throughout the course, typical business problems are presented for solutions, providing excellent experience for the students.
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
This course provides discussion and analysis of current issues related to the management of information systems. The components of an information system; hardware, software, data, connectivity, procedures and people are discussed in relationship to a variety of information systems including collaboration information systems, social media information systems, and enterprise wide systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management. Other major areas of analysis include cloud computing, business intelligence, and the Systems Development Life Cycle. The focus of the analysis is using Information Systems to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
PREREQUISITE: ISTC1010 This course provides the basic knowledge required to operate and use a computer to perform the practical tasks of data file creation, retrieval of data and maintenance of data files. DBMS's are used for all types of applications involving medium-to-large scale data files. Major focus is on the acquisition of a working knowledge of the theories, principles and operating procedures of data base management systems using a representative DBMS. This course is appropriate for all potential users of computers in all fields of study.
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
PREREQUISITE: ISTC1021 This course introduces the student to computer programming using the cross-platform Java programming language. The conventions of the language, its applications and applications-related advantages and disadvantages are presented. Students will be introduced to the concepts and techniques of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
PREREQUISITE: ISTC1005, ISTC1021, ISTC2045, ISTC1010 This course focuses on an investigation and application of advanced data base concepts including data administration, data base technology and selection and acquisition of data base management systems (DBMS). It includes an in-depth practicum in data modeling and system development in a data base environment.
ISTC1005 & ISTC1021 & ISTC2045
Required Courses (Select One): 18 credits
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
PREREQUISITE: ADMG1018 This course presents a comprehensive introduction to Project Management. The task of managing projects and the challenges facing project workers are examined in the context of new realities, requirements, opportunities and problems developing in the business environment. In addition to the traditional concerns of project management involving time, budget and specifications management, quality management, contract/procurement management and communication management as they affect the management of projects in the modern work place.
Credits (Min/Max): 3/3
PREREQUISITE: ISTC1021, ISTC1005, ISTC2021, ISTC2045, ENGL2030, ISTC1010 This course is an overview of the systems development life cycle and its use in analyzing and designing systems. It includes concepts of project roles, cost estimates, documentation (deliverables), tools and techniques for management of processes and communications.