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Why I Give

La Roche University alumna Shekhah Alrasheed in her cap and gown at commencement

Shekhah Alrasheed ’19

“The faculty and staff cared about everyone, and as an international student, I felt like I was at home. La Roche helped me develop into the best person that I can be to help the world.”

Joseph Brosky and Donna Brosky standing next to two bicycles outside with trees behind them.

Joseph Brosky ’76 and Donna Brosky ’78

“In a world that sees growing interdependence and many critical global issues, the mission of La Roche becomes ever more relevant and inspirational on a daily basis. We give to honor former president Sister Joan Coultas, and to honor Sister Marilyn Bergt, our biology professor and lifelong friend.”

Marjorie Bryner and another person sit at a table during a holiday event. A white door and Christmas decorations are behind them.

Marjorie Zalewski Bryner ’73

“Having retired from 41 years of working in Catholic education, there were many times I reflected on my own higher education that I received as a student at La Roche University. The outstanding educators, course offerings and numerous opportunities guided me through my career. Internships were hands-on opportunities that opened doors during those early years after graduation.”

La Roche University alumna Joanna Lewis Creegan

Joanna Lewis-Creegan ’05

“The education that I received at La Roche is a major factor in the career success that I’ve experienced. Class sizes at La Roche allowed me to develop a relationship with my professors, and 15 years later, several professors in the English Department continue to stay in touch. I give to La Roche so others can have the same incredible experience that I had.”

La Roche University alumnus James Dill' 77 standing in front of a tree with red leaves.

James Dill ’77

“La Roche was able to show by example the true caring, compassion and support to all who enter its doors. As a student I was aware that I was never a number, but an individual who had dreams of bettering myself and the community.”

La Roche University alumna Phyllis Hartman

Phyllis Hartman, M.S. ’90

“The education I received in the Master of Science in Human Resources Management program helped me become a successful HR professional. I continue to attend HR Professional Development programs at La Roche. I’ve also been a faculty member. All of these experiences exposed me to the wonderful culture at this great university. Students are not just educated, but also nurtured and helped to grow. This kind of education should be given support to continue.”

Rosemary McCarthy

Rosemary McCarthy, Ph.D.

“I believe in La Roche, and I want to invest in an institution that I know makes a difference in the lives of its students. As I look back on my college days, I recall memories I made and lessons I learned. I want to afford those opportunities to our students and provide a legacy for future generations.”

La Roche University alumnus Andre Parker

Andre Parker ’18

“I give to La Roche University because it became a home to me. Over four years classmates became friends, friends became family, and staff became mentors. This school gave me so much.”

La Roche University alumnus Babin Thapa wearing a red La Roche hoodie outside.

Babin Thapa ’19

“My small contribution can make a big change in another person’s life or community. I believe the secret to living is giving. Therefore, I give to La Roche.”

Sister Rita Yeasted

Sister Rita Yeasted ’68, SFCC, Ph.D.

“I know firsthand how this small college for Sisters grew into a university for students from all over the world. I teach them. I want my money to provide scholarships, facilities and a future for these students, and a legacy from a grateful alumna.”