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Spiritual Programs

Providence Campus Ministry

Help us plan and host spiritual experiences for our students. We want to hear from you about prayer that is meaningful, events that are fun and how you want to grow as a spiritual person.

Journey (RCIA)

Through a combination of learning, prayer and dialogue, participants reflect on their faith journey and discern the steps to deepen their relationship with God in the Catholic faith.


This non-denominational Christian fellowship group is open to all students to share faith fellowship, prayer and praise as they come together to reflect upon God’s action in their lives and the role of faith in their daily lives.


We invite students to serve as greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers and singers or musicians in our music ministry.

  • Weekend Masses are celebrated Saturday at 4 p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m. in Magdalen Chapel.
  • Join us for virtual Mass if you can’t make it in person.

Various prayer experiences are offered through the week.

Prayer Vigils

Attend one of our monthly prayer vigils. We will listen to music, reflect on issues of racial justice, and talk about action we can take. All are welcome!

The Saint John’s Bible

Explore this work of art that unites an ancient Benedictine tradition with the technology and vision of today, illuminating the Word of God for a new millennium. Join us for reflection and sharing on Biblical text and illumination.

Coffee and Catholicism

Come together with Father Peter Horton and others to ask questions about the Catholic faith. We will share lively discussion and good conversation over coffee and dessert.