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Teach for Us

Share your knowledge with La Roche University's Lifelong Learners! Join our Adventures in Lifelong Learning program as a course instructor.

About the Courses

  • Typically run for five weeks.
  • 1.5 to 2 hours long, with short 5-10 minute breaks; film classes tend to be approximately three hours.
  • Undergraduate-level content, but shorter in length.
  • No tests, grades or homework required for the student or the instructor, although some classes may require readings associated with the class.
  • Instructors have said Adventures in Lifelong Learning (ALL) students are eager to learn and want to be in class!

Upcoming Term Schedule

Spring 2024
  • First session: Jan. 29 – March 1
  • Second session: March 18 – April 29 (skip March 25 – April 1 for Holy Week.)
Summer 2024
  • First session: May 20 – June 21 (skip May 27 for Memorial Day)
  • Second session: July 8 – Aug. 9 
Fall 2024
  • First session: Sept. 9 – Oct. 11 
  • Second session: Oct. 28 – Dec. 6 (skip the week of Nov. 25)

Course Examples

You can rebrand a course you previously taught, but at a level that challenges a mature adult. The key is to prepare a proposal based on the needs and wants of the older adult learner. These students are interested in learning for the sake of learning, not to meet a requirement.

As you consider topics, think of classes that you wished you could’ve taken.

Examples include:

  • History
  • Literature
  • Writing
  • Art
  • Fitness
  • Criminal Justice (theory and stories)
  • Current Events
  • Political Science
  • Film Studies
  • Computers/Technology
  • Languages
  • Global Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology

How to Apply

There is no formal proposal required to apply. If you are interested, please contact Executive Director Jennifer Engel at or 412-536-1284 to discuss the course you wish to teach.


We pay instructors of ALL as independent contractors. The rate for ALL courses is based on the number of hours, type of course and other factors. During our conversation, we will discuss the instructor fee.