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Laboratories and Instrumentation

At La Roche University you will engage in authentic research experiences and develop laboratory expertise before graduating.

Real-World Research

ChemSOLVE is an extracurricular program designed to provide laboratory experience for chemistry majors. Through this program you'll gain real-life experience by:

  • Designing and leading experiments the way that scientists do in their daily work
  • Enhancing experiments and designing novel hands-on learning kits

Facilities and Instrumentation

Our facilities include three laboratories, a stockroom and numerous offices on the second floor of the Palumbo Science Center. The John Arnold Instrument Lab houses modern spectroscopy and chromatography instrumentation, purchased entirely through departmental external funding:

  • A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
  • Two additional gas chromatographs
  • Two high-performance liquid chromatographs
  • An atomic absorption spectrophotometer
  • Ultraviolet-visible
  • Fluorescence
  • Two Fourier-transform infrared spectrometers

Additionally, two Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers are located in a separate NSF-sponsored NMR lab.