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Religious Studies

As a Catholic institution, La Roche University provides an exciting forum for you to relate religion to contemporary issues and cultures.


The religious studies minor emphasizes the importance of writing, analyzing and critical thinking. You’ll learn how to analyze and interpret spiritual texts, symbols and rituals, and therefore develop the ability to communicate religious and philosophical knowledge the way that scholars do.

The minor explores a wide variety of religions and their contributions to history, society and humanity. By the end of your college career, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand, analyze, apply and evaluate theological methodologies and theories as they relate to the human experience and existence
  • Reflect critically on a range of different kinds of text
  • Demonstrate expertise in textual analysis, religion/philosophical argument, awareness of different faith and theoretical positions, historical analysis and contextualization

We also challenge you to engage in critical and constructive dialogue with the traditions of religion/philosophical scholarship, analyze and evaluate others’ contributions, and begin to create your own original contributions.