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Policies and Procedures

Academic Policies

  • A Disclaimer

    This publication is not to be viewed as an irrevocable contract between the University and the student and is subject to change consistent with policies of the Board of Trustees. The University reserves the right to repeal, change, amend, modify, add, withdraw the contents herein, without notice of obligation.

  • Academic Standing Classification of Students

    At the end of each semester the Registrar classifies undergraduate students according to the number of credit hours they have completed:

    • A freshman is one who has completed fewer than 30 credits.
    • A sophomore is one who has completed between 30 and 59 credits.
    • A junior is one who has completed between 60 and 89 credits
    • A senior is one who has completed 90 credits or more.
    • A full-time student is one who is registered for 12 or more credit hours in a regular semester; 9 credits in the summer.
    • A part-time student is one who is carrying less than 12 credit hours in a regular semester; less than 9 credits in the summer.
    • A matriculated student is one who has satisfied all admission requirements for a degree program and is taking courses leading to a degree.
    • A special student is one who is not pursuing a degree or certificate program at La Roche University.  All special students are required to register each term through the Graduate Studies and Adult Education Office.

    For graduate students classification is as follows:

    • A full-time student is one who is registered for 6 or more credits in a regular semester; 3 credits in the summer
    • A part-time student is one who is carrying less than 6 credits in a regular semester.  

    Dean's List

    Each semester those full-time students with 12 graded credits or more, who have earned a term GPA of 3.500 or higher are placed on the dean's honor list.  Part-time students who have accumulated 12 credits in consecutive semesters in an academic year, including summer, and have earned a GPA of 3.500 or higher are placed on the dean's honor list.

    Good Academic Standing
    Undergraduate students are in good academic standing at the University when their cumulative and semester quality point averages are 2.000 or above.

    Not in Good Academic Standing
    Undergraduate students are not in good academic standing at the University when their cumulative and/or semester quality point averages are below 2.000. Students not in good academic standing may be required to work with a designated academic support advisor on strategies to enhance their academic performance. The Academic Standing Review Board carefully considers the individual circumstances of all students who are not in good standing and, at its discretion, may recommend that students not in good standing be subject to one of the following four categories of action: 1) Academic Warning; 2) Academic Probation; 3) Academic Suspension; or 4) Academic Dismissal.

    Academic Warning
    Students whose cumulative quality point averages (GPAs) are 2.000 or above but whose semester GPAs are below 2.000 will be placed on academic warning for the subsequent fall or spring semester.

    Academic Probation
    Full-time students whose cumulative grade point averages are below 2.000 (1.800 for freshmen), or who are subject to a second placement on academic warning, will be placed on academic probation for their subsequent fall or spring semester of enrollment.
    Part-time students who have accumulated 12 credits attempted and whose cumulative grade point averages fall below 2.000 (1.800 for freshman) will be placed on academic probation for their subsequent fall or spring semester of enrollment.
    Any student placed on academic probation may be required to work with a designated academic support advisor on strategies to enhance his or her academic performance. Any student placed on academic probation may be restricted to no more than 13 credits for his or her subsequent fall or spring semester of enrollment, and may be subject to other conditions as required by the academic support advisor or the Academic Standing Review Board.

    Academic Suspension
    Any full-time student whose semester grade point average (GPA) is below 1.000 or who is subject to a second placement on academic probation may be immediately suspended from the University for the subsequent spring or fall semester. Suspension decisions are made by the Academic Standing Review Board. Students who have been suspended will be assigned an academic support advisor with whom they will work to accomplish the prescribed strategies necessary for their reinstatement. Reinstatement of any student who has been suspended will be at the discretion of the chair of the Academic Standing Review Board, in consultation with all necessary university constituents, based on consideration of the student's written request for reinstatement. Students reinstated from a suspension will remain on academic probation during the semester of their re-enrollment and will be required to comply with an academic support plan set forth by the Office of Student Academic Support Services. Students will be informed, in writing, prior to the beginning of the semester of the Academic Standing Review Board's decision, and the terms with which the students must comply.

    Academic Dismissal
    Students may be dismissed from the University if they are subject to placement on academic probation for two consecutive semesters or fail to make progress after reinstatement to the University from suspension. Dismissal decisions are recommended by the Academic Standing Review Board to the Provost and Executive Vice- President for Academic Affairs. The Academic Standing Review Board will carefully consider the student's total academic record prior to making a recommendation to dismiss. Reinstatement of any student who has been dismissed will be at the discretion of the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the chair of the Academic Standing Review Board and all necessary University constituents, based on consideration of the student's written request for reinstatement. Students reinstated from dismissal may have to serve a semester of suspension or will remain on academic probation during the semester of their reenrollment if permitted to return. Returning students will be required to comply with an academic support plan set forth by the Office of Student Academic Support Services. Students will be informed, in writing, prior to the beginning of the semester of the Academic Standing Review Board's decision, and the terms with which the students must comply.

    Appeal Policy and Procedure
    Students may appeal an academic suspension or academic dismissal by submitting a letter to the Dean of Academic Support Services within ten business days of the date of the Academic Standing decision letter. The deadline for appeals will be specified in each letter sent to the student. The written appeal should fully describe the student's reason for poor academic performance, others who might be aware of the situation, and specific steps they plan to take toward improvement. Once received and considered by the appropriate parties, the appeal decision will be communicated in writing to the student by U.S. mail and by other means if necessitated by time constraints.

  • Athletic Eligibility

    La Roche University recognizes that the development of students is not solely one of academic growth and that other activities contribute to the achievement of the goals set by the University in carrying out its mission with students.

    Participation in varsity sports serves as an important function for participating students and also serves as a method of public relations, recruitment of students, visibility for the University and retention of students.

    It is understood that academic growth of students has the highest priority.  It is also understood that the University's membership in intercollegiate conferences or associations requires commitment to certain standards shared with other member schools.

    To show concern for and to assure that academic growth is not impeded by participation in varsity athletics, certain restrictions are placed on student participation.  These restrictions are intended for the student's guidance and assistance just as restrictions on students in general are imposed when academic growth is not satisfactory.


    No student will be permitted to participate in an intercollegiate sports program during the time that the student is ineligible according to the standards of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and La Roche University.

    Athletic academic eligibility is defined as having a cumulative GPA of 1.800 in the student's first year (first two semesters) at La Roche University. Students must receive a cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the completion of the following six semesters.  If a first year student earns a semester GPA of more than 1.500, but less than 1.800 in the first semester of attendance, that student may participate during the second semester under the following conditions:

    1. The student, the academic advisor, the athletic director, and the coach agree to the participation.
    2. The student carries no more than 12-13 credits in the semester.
    3. A written contract is agreed to by the player, the academic advisor, and the coach, whereby the student adheres to a specific plan of study including regular involvement with the Academic Enrichment Center, tutoring if deemed advisable and continual reports and checks with instructors.
    4. The contract so established will be filed with the athletic director prior to the first game of the new semester.  Any student who is in his/her third through eighth semester and receives a semester GPA below 2.000 while still maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above is athletically eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics.  In any case when a student-athlete is brought to the Academic Standards Review Board at La Roche University and the review board, in coordination with the athletic department, finds that it is in the student's best academic interest not to participate in an intercollegiate sport for a particular semester; that recommendation will be upheld to meet La Roche University's academic standards.  Thus, a student who is academically eligible by the NCAA standards must comply with the more stringent standards of La Roche University, if applicable.
  • Biometric Signature Usage Policy

    Purpose:  As required by Middle States Commission on Higher Education, to verify compliance with Federal Regulations requiring that institutions have effective procedures in place to ensure that the students who register in a distance or correspondence education course are the same students who participate in and complete the course, and receive the academic credit (34 CFR 602.17 (g)).

    This policy is intended to reflect La Roche University’s commitment to the principles, goals, and ideal described in the University’s Mission Statement.

    Revision History:  New

    Persons Affected:  Faculty and students

    Policy:    A new federal policy to verify the identity of online students has been put into place by the U.S. Department of Education. In response to this policy, La Roche University is requiring that all students enrolled in courses where all or part of the graded activity is delivered online, to verify their identity with the student authentication system, Biometric Signature ID.

    Biometric Signature ID, through their gesture biometrics technology, will ensure that La Roche University maintains the highest level of academic integrity in online learning.

    Faculty teaching only face-to-face classes, with no online component, are not required to use BioSig-ID. However, if they use the LMS (Canvas) as a supplemental classroom aid to allow students to submit assignments through the site, then the student identity verification through BioSig-ID will be required.

    Every course syllabus should include the following paragraph:

    Biometric Signature ID

    Online courses at La Roche University require students to participate in a new security system.  This new software system is used to verify a student’s ID using just your mouse, touchpad, stylus, or touch screen, and all courses which require taking an exam, quiz and/or any gradable assignment online will require student verification.  No special hardware or software downloads are necessary.  This identification technology is from a company called Biometric Signature ID (BSI).  Verifying student identification is a new mandate from the federal government with which our institution needs to comply.  Instructions to enroll can be found on the intranet in the Online Student Services page.

    This new software system enables a student to easily verify their identity using a mouse, stylus, touchpad or touch screen and does not require any special hardware or software.

    • Students will register and enroll ONE TIME ONLY to create a password in the first course of the session.
    • This same password will be used for all courses to access gradable events.
    • Students will be required to watch a short instructional video to understand “HOW” to use the gesture biometric technology.
    • Faculty will place the instructional video as a link with introductory remarks and as an assignment. 
    • During the first contact into the course, and after viewing the video, the student will register and enroll using the link provided.


    1. At the beginning of each semester, the student establishes a “password” using BioSig-ID in the first course in which they receive a BioSig-ID assignment. Returning students simply verify their identity using their existing password.
    2. It is strongly suggested that faculty create an assignment (gradable event) where the students must authenticate their identity as suggested for any gradable event such as a test or assignment that is turned in remotely via Canvas.
    3. The more times a student uses BioSig-ID, the more valid the authentication becomes and the less likely the student is to forget his or her BioSig-ID password.


    1. Biometric Signature ID – BioSig-ID
    2. Learning Management System (LMS) - La Roche uses Canvas as their learning management system.
    3. Online course – Asynchronous online instruction delivered to a group of students or an individual student, without any face-to-face meeting requirement.
    4. Online hybrid course – Blended classes with some face-to-face component, but where 51% to 99% of the direct instruction is online.
    5. On-campus course is delivered face-to-face, including those that use web-based technology to facilitate what is essentially a face-to-face course.  This includes the use of Canvas to post syllabus and assignments. An on-campus course requires less than 50% of that course to be offered online.

    Authority:  The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean delegates the authority to implement and oversee this policy to the Online Learning and Faculty Support & Technology Coordinator.

    Continuous renewal:  This policy will be reviewed two years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness; or sooner to reflect substantive change.

  • Confidentiality of Student Records

     Notification of Rights Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.  La Roche University respects the rights of all students and fully complies with FERPA.  These rights are:

    • The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 15 days of the day the University receives a request for access.  Students should submit written requests identifying record(s) they wish to inspect to the Registrar.  The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.  If the records are not maintained in the Registrar's Office, the student will be directed to the appropriate University administrator.
    • The right to request amendment of the student's education record.  Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading.  They should write to the University administrator responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.  If the administrator makes the decision not to amend the record as requested by the student, the student will be notified and advised of his or her right to a hearing.
    • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.  One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.  A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
    • A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee such as disciplinary or grievance or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks (work study).

    The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by La Roche University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-4605

     In accordance with FERPA, La Roche University has designated the following information as "directory information," which may be made available upon request without the student's written permission:

    • Student's name, address and phone number
    • Date and place of birth
    • Major field of study
    • Participation in officially recognized activities or sports
    • Weight, height and physical condition of members of athletic teams
    • Dates of attendance
    • Degrees and awards received, including Dean's List (not GPA)
    • Student's photograph
    • Most recent previous education agency or institution attended

    This information may be routinely made public by the University unless the student informs the Registrar (ZCC204) in writing that any or all of the information designated should not be released without the student's prior consent.

  • Course Level/Course Numbering

    Course numbering serves to identify the course, the course level, and its sponsoring department (based on subject area). To facilitate the transfer of courses to and from La Roche University, clear definitions of lower-level and upper-level courses are required. Although the content of various academic disciplines differ, lower and upper-level courses can generally be distinguished by the prerequisite knowledge required and the relative academic challenge of the course.

    Lower-Level – Courses numbered 1000- to 2999

    The primary intent of lower-division coursework is to provide students with general education, to expose students to the breadth of different fields of study, and to provide a foundation for specialized upper-level coursework. They are courses that may be counted in majors, minors, and electives at the basic level in baccalaureate programs.

    Lower-level courses generally focus on foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking. Although lower-level courses sometimes serve as prerequisites for upper-level courses, they are not always stepping-stones to more advanced study. Rather, they may be ends in themselves, providing breadth, enrichment, or general knowledge.

    Lower-level courses have one or more of the following characteristics:

    • They acquaint students with the breadth of (inter) disciplinary fields in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and to the historical and contemporary theories and practices of professional fields.
    • They introduce essential skills of literacy (e.g., information gathering, reading, and writing), language, (e.g., oral communication and language and culture other than English), science, and mathematical competence, to prepare for continuing work in any discipline.
    • They lay the foundation for upper-division coursework and to begin development of analytical thinking and theoretical application.
    These courses are designed for freshmen and sophomores, but may be taken by others. Community College courses may be comparable.

    Upper-Level Courses – Courses numbered 3000 – 4999

    Upper-level courses are specialized, in-depth, advanced, and emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications. These courses often build on the foundation provided by the skills and knowledge of lower-level courses.  Upper-level courses may require the student to synthesize topics from a variety of sources and may also require greater responsibility, or independence on the part of the student. 

    Upper-level courses have one or more of the following characteristics:

    • Depth/Focus: students make in-depth study of a discipline’s theories and methods, developing an understanding of the applications and limitations of those theories.
    • Specialization: students develop specific intellectual and professional abilities that will enable them to succeed or progress in a particular field or professional practice.
    • Refinement: students build upon the “general education” background noted above, applying these skills more discerningly or in more challenging contexts.
    • Preparation: prerequisites may include more general courses, student classification, GPA requirements, or admission to a pre-professional program. Thus, majors and minors generally take upper-level courses in their junior and senior years.
    Capstone or Integrative Inquiry courses, though not necessarily specialized or focused on in-depth study of one discipline, have an integrative function. Because one of the primary goals of these courses is to integrate knowledge gained from earlier studies, these are offered at the upper-level and limited to juniors and seniors or, in some cases, seniors only.
    These courses are designed for juniors and seniors, but may be taken by others.  Community College courses may or may not be comparable.

    Graduate Level – Courses Numbered 5000- and above

    Courses numbered at the 5000- and 6000-level are graduate courses. Typically, graduate courses are restricted to students who have successfully completed a baccalaureate degree. At La Roche, 7000-level courses are at the doctorial level.

    The primary function of graduate courses is to broaden the perspective and deepen the knowledge students have of a particular discipline or professional field of study, or to provide students with preparation in an advanced professional field that requires foundational knowledge and experience in a related discipline or field of study. Courses at this level are also used for post-baccalaureate certificate and certification programs.
    Graduate courses are structured in a manner that allows for a variety of approaches to the subject matter, a wide range of source material, considerable student interaction, and a significant emphasis on independent study and/or research. They are designed to extend the knowledge and intellectual maturity of students beyond the baccalaureate level. They are intended for students who are capable of analyzing, exploring, questioning, evaluating, and synthesizing knowledge.

    Reserved Course Numbers:

    LRUXXXXX  La Roche Experience CORE
    INQU3XXX  Interdisciplinary Inquiry CORE
    XXXX4050 Special Topics and Experimental Courses offered one-time only
    XXXX4051/4052 Internships
    XXXX4055  Capstone/Senior Seminar
    XXXX4057  Independent Study
    XXXX4097  Directed Study
    XXXX4056  Directed Research
    XXXX6051 Graduate-level Internship
    XXXXXXXXH Honors Courses available to Honors Institute members and students with GPA 3.5 and above
    SASUXXXX  Study Abroad/Study USA

    XRXX1000  Cross-Registered (Where XX = Host Institution)

  • Credit Hour Policy

    Federal Regulations

    The credit hour is defined by the U.S. Department of Education as a basic institutional measure of the
    level of instruction and academic rigor that establishes eligibility for federal funding.1 Both within and between institutions, consistency in credit hour determinations has implications for the transferability of credit and for demonstrating that all courses and programs—regardless of teaching and learning formats
    or delivery mode—are of sufficient academic rigor, content, and depth.

    The U.S. Department of Education defines “credit hour” as:

    “…An amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

    (1) one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or,

    (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.”

    The Carnegie unit, represented in point (1) above, has served as the traditional unit of measure, but the Department also recognizes that institutions are developing other measures of educational content and credit equivalency.

    The Middle States Commission on Higher Education, in its Credit Hour Policy, effective August 23, 2013, requires institutions to verify compliance with Credit Hour regulations.

    The Middle States Commission on Higher Education provides guidelines to remind institutions of their responsibility to meet all Federal, state, and other relevant policies, regulations, and requirements governing credit hours. 

    U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-Secondary Education, “Guidance to Institutions and Accrediting Agencies Regarding a Credit Hour as Defined in the Final Regulations Published on October 29, 2010.”

    Credit Hour Definition for Online Courses

    Although government agencies set reasonable and suitable expectations for time spent earning credits,  the Middle States Commission on Higher Education “considers assessment evidence to be the most compelling evidence that an institution’s academic offerings are of appropriate academic content, breadth, length, and rigor.”

    In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education, in any seven-day period, a student is expected to be academically engaged through, for example, classroom attendance, examinations, practica, laboratory work, internships, and supervised studio work. In the case of distance education and correspondence education, academic engagement would include, but not be limited to, submitting an academic assignment; taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction; attending a study group that was assigned by the institution; contributing to an academic online discussion; and initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course. Merely logging into the electronic classroom does not constitute academic engagement. Source: U.S. Department of Education CH-A5, 2.22.2013.


    La Roche University assigns credit hours in ways that are consistent with U.S. Department of Education credit hour regulations by adopting the “credit hour” as the unit measure of instruction for awarding credit, based on the Carnegie Unit system:

    Semester Hours


    Required Direct Instruction

    "Seat Time"

    Required Out-of-Class


    1 15 30
    2 30 60
    3 45 90
    4 60 120
    5 75 150


    • One lecture (taught) or seminar (discussion) credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class/seminar time and 2 hours of student preparation time.  Most lecture and seminar courses are awarded 3 credit hours. Over an entire semester, this formula represents at least 45 hours of class time and 90 hours of student preparation.

    • One laboratory credit hour represents 1 hour per week of lecture or discussion time plus 1-2 hours per week of scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work, and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most laboratory courses are awarded up to 4 credit hours. This calculation represents at least 45 hours of class time, between 45 and 90 hours of laboratory time, and 90 hours of student preparation per semester.

    • One practice credit hour (supervised clinical rounds, visual or performing art studio, supervised student teaching, fieldwork, etc.) represents 3-4 hours per week of supervised and /or independent practice. This in turn represents between 45 and 60 hours of work per semester. Blocks of 3 practice credit hours, which equate to a studio or practice course, represent between 135 and 180 total hours of academic work per semester.

    • One independent study (thesis or dissertation research) hour is calculated similarly to practice credit hours.

    • Internship or apprenticeship credit hours are determined by negotiation between the supervising faculty and the work supervisor at the cooperating site, both of whom must judge and certify different aspects of the student’s work. The credit formula is similar to that for practice credit.


      8-Week Session 16-Week Session
      N/A 1 day per week 2 days per week

    # Class Meeting per semester per

    3-credit course

    8   15 30
    Hours per class meeting time 4   3 1.5
    Total Hours 32**   45 45


    **Accelerated Courses must meet the same semester credit hours as traditional semester-length classes. Within the shortened time frame, accelerated classes must supplement face-to-face contact with the one or more of the following:

    • Lecture/discussion/chat sessions delivered synchronously directly by the instructor via Canvas, Skype, etc.

    • Required and faculty-involved asynchronous interaction via discussion boards, blogs, wikis, other appropriate social media, etc. in Canvas or other means.

    • Proctored tests/exams or student evaluation tasks delivered through Canvas.

    • Assignments (reading, writing, video, experiential/field work, service learning, laboratory work, studio work, supervised or independent practice, etc.) that exceed assignments required for a face- to-face course.

    Departments must document, through their course syllabi, how accelerated courses will meet the minimum semester credit hour requirement. Faculty will complete a Credit Hour Compliance form and submit to the department secretary along with corresponding course syllabus prior to each semester the course is taught.

    Online Courses

    In accordance with Middle States recognition of assessment evidence as the most compelling evidence for measuring level of instruction and academic rigor, all online courses must be designed to include the content and meet the outcomes and level of rigor that would be expected to be covered in a course that meets face-to-face according to the La Roche Credit Hour Policy.  Faculty will complete a Credit Hour Compliance form and submit to the department secretary along with corresponding course syllabus prior to each semester the course is taught.

    Regular Review

    Department Chairs are responsible for conducting a regular review of courses within their departments to ensure that all courses are in compliance with the credit-hour policy. This review is conducted across all schools, disciplines, and course levels, and modes of instruction.
    The Core and Curriculum Committees of the Senate review and approve all new courses, according to procedures established and published in the Faculty Handbook.

    An annual review by Department Chairs ensures that courses continue to meet the established student learning outcomes, with the results documented in the online assessment tool.

    Registrar to regularly audit the semester schedules to ensure that on-campus classes comply with established credit-hour requirements.



    Academic Rigor

    Teaching, learning, and assessment which promotes student growth in knowledge of the discipline and the ability to analyze, synthesize, and critically evaluate the content under study.


    A student-centered teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people.


    Course that uses Web-based technology to supplement what is essentially a face-to-face course.

    Course Methods

    La Roche University has adopted the following course method definitions:

    IN CLASSROOM:         

    Note: For Financial Aid purposes, PHEAA defines classroom instruction to include faculty instruction within a laboratory, shop or hospital clinical setting.” to exclude “…videotaped courses used in the home setting, correspondence courses, or on-line courses.” PHEAA considers hybrid courses as distance learning courses. Source: PHEAA Distance Education Supplement 2012-2013.

    Lecture Courses delivered face-to-face, including those that use web-based technology to supplement what is essentially a face-to-face course.  This includes the use of Canvas to post syllabus and assignments.
    Lab Students carry out experiments requiring special laboratory equipment and facilities.
    Studio Students develop technical or creative skills such as painting, music, drama, or design.
    Clinical/Student Teaching Students develop professional skills by actual practice involving patients or students. Typically conducted at approved off-site locations.
    Independent Study/Directed Study/Directed Research

    A course of study with predefined objectives where the student works with a faculty member to decide how the student is going to meet those objectives. The student and faculty member agree on what the student will do (e.g., required readings, research, and work products), how the student’s work will be evaluated, and on what the relative timeframe for completion of the work will be. The student must interact with the faculty member on a regular and substantive basis to assure progress within the course or program. Source: 34 CFR 668.10

    Internship Determined by negotiation between the supervising faculty and the work supervisor at the cooperating site, both of whom must judge and certify different aspects of the student’s work. Source: USNEI. Typically conducted off- site.
    ONLINE: Note: For financial aid purposes PHEAA defines online courses as those where 51% or more of the class is delivered online.
    Online Asynchronous online instruction delivered to a group of students or an individual student where 100% of the class is conducted online.
    Online Hybrid

    Blended classes with some face-to-face component, where 51 to 99%of the class is conducted online.

  • Degree Requirements

    To qualify for a degree from La Roche, a student must:

    1. Complete the core curriculum (see Core Curriculum).
    2. Successfully earn a minimum of 120-136 unique credits and fulfill the residency requirement (must complete the last 30 credits at La Roche).
    3. Select a major and complete the program of studies that meets the divisional requirements and the approval of his/her advisor.
    4. Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.000 or "C" and GPA of all courses required to complete the major except those majors where more than a 2.000 is required.  In those instances, students must achieve the major GPA as stated in the University catalog.
    5. Students must file an online application for graduation by the deadline published in the academic calendar.  A graduation fee is payable at that time. 
  • Experiential Education Programs: (Credit for Life; Directed Study; Directed Research; Independent Study; Internship)

    Credit For Life Experience

    Credit for life experience may be earned for learning gained prior to enrollment at La Roche University. To earn credit for life experience, learning must relate directly to a course offered by La Roche and appear in the catalogue, with the exception of courses listed as internship, independent study or directed research. The total number of credits awarded for life experience may not exceed 30 and may not be included in the last 30 credits required for residency. Each division determines the number of credits awarded for life experience to be counted toward a major. Students should contact their advisor or the Registrar for a description of each program, restrictions and procedures.

    Directed Study

    A Directed Study offers students the opportunity to study individually with a faculty member, on a contractual basis, to substitute for a course that is needed for the student’s program of study, but is not available in a particular semester.  The Directed Study must provide a rigorous academic experience equivalent to that of any undergraduate course, and all student learning outcomes for the course must be met.

    Students will be expected to meet with faculty as agreed upon in the Directed Study proposal. The amount of supervision will be determined by the faculty member and included on the Directed Study form. The student must also complete independent work time commensurate with in-class courses, where 45 hours of learning activities are required for every one credit earned. (135 hours for a three-credit course.) Students must document their hours on the Directed Study Time Sheet.

    Students wishing to complete a Directed Study must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and may complete up to six credits of Directed Study during their tenure at La Roche. Exceptions for graduating seniors will be made with the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

    Directed Research

    Directed research involves the student in the research process by actually engaging in research under the supervision of a full-time faculty member in a related discipline.  The purpose of a Directed research project is to explore a theoretical or experimental research problem, the goal of which is a substantive paper or written report containing significant analysis and interpretation. 

    Directed Research is not a replacement for an existing course, but requires greater direct supervision by a faculty member than an independent study. The amount of supervision will be determined by the faculty member and included on the Directed Research form.

    In accordance with the University’s Credit Hour Policy, students must complete work time commensurate with laboratory courses, where between 45 to 90 hours of learning activities are required for every one credit earned. (135 to 180 hours for a three-credit course.) Students must document their hours on the Directed Research Time Sheet.

    Directed Research is limited to 2-4 credits per semester for upper class students in an academic major which establishes the prerequisites.  Students may take up to a total of 8 credits of directed research during their tenure at La Roche.

    Students must register for a Directed Research by the end of the established add/drop period for the semester or session.

    Independent Study

    Independent study is an in-depth examination of a particular topic, on a contractual basis and under the limited supervision of a full-time faculty member in a related discipline.  Independent study is not a substitute for a formal course, but provides the student with the opportunity to pursue a subject in more depth and in a more independent manner than is possible in a traditional course. Students are responsible for developing their own proposal, following through with assignments and working independently. The amount of supervision will be determined by the faculty member and included on the Directed Research form.

    Student initiated proposals, including rationale and goals, must be submitted via the Independent Study Form and approved by the faculty member, the student’s advisor and the department chair. 

    In accordance with the University’s Credit hour policy, students must complete independent work time commensurate with in-class courses, where 45 hours of learning activities are required for every one credit earned. (135 hours for a three-credit course.) Students must document their hours on the Independent Study Time Sheet.

    Students wishing to complete an independent study must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students may take up a total of 6 credits of independent study during their tenure at La Roche.

    Students must register for an Independent Study by the end of the established add/drop period for the semester or session.



    An internship is completed in an area related to a student’s major. One to twelve (1-12) internship credits may be earned over the course of a student’s time at La Roche University. Internship credits are limited to no more than 6 credits per semester. While students may complete multiple internships at the same company, if appropriate, the student may not earn more than 6 credits in one internship experience. Each “internship experience” is defined by the responsibilities, duties, and learning objectives of the position. Students may apply for an internship once they have earned 30 credits. Students must be in good academic standing to begin an internship. Good academic standing is defined as having both a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

    Internships may begin when a student has completed a minimum of 45 credits. Individual academic departments may have more restrictive guidelines/requirements/grading policies than those printed here. 

    If an internship is being done for academic credit, the online internship application process must be completed, including all approvals, prior to the registration deadline of the given semester/session. Internship paperwork may not be backdated to a previous semester or saved to be added in a future semester.

    Internship credits to be earned must be determined at the point of registration for the internship and not while it is in progress or once completed. Additional credits cannot be added retroactively should the student work in excess of the required number of hours (see chart below).

    Students may not do an internship at their place of regular employment unless the internship experience is in a different department/capacity than their regular job.

    All expenses incurred during an internship are the responsibility of the student. There is no guarantee that a student will be paid or will earn a stipend for an internship. If a student opts to do an internship for credit, the internship is billed to the student’s account as is any other academic course taken at La Roche University.

    The La Roche University faculty supervisor will generally be a full-time faculty member from the student’s major department area. If a full-time faculty member from the academic area is unavailable to be a supervisor, the department chair may designate another qualified supervisor.
    It is the responsibility of the student and the faculty supervisor, in conjunction with the internship-site supervisor, to set the parameters of the internship in order to ensure that all requirements are met and that all parties agree to the terms of the internship contract. For each credit, the student must document a minimum of 45 hours of work between the internship site and related academic assignments such as a journal, paper, research project, or presentation. Of the 45 hours per credit, experiential learning must comprise a minimum of 30 hours. The exact proportion of time spent in the field and on related academic work is determined by the faculty supervisor.

    All paperwork must be submitted to the faculty supervisor at the end of the internship in order for a grade and credit to be granted. This includes the timesheet, final-hours documentation, and both the employer and student evaluations.

    A single internship may be taken for one to six (1-6) credits. The breakdown of credits and required hours is as follows:


    1 CREDIT      45 hours    3 hours per week
    2 CREDITS    90 hours    6 hours per week
    3 CREDITS  135 hours    9 hours per week
    4 CREDITS  180 hours  12 hours per week
    5 CREDITS  225 hours  15 hours per week
    6 CREDITS  270 hours  18 hours per week

    *Approximate hours per week are based on a 15-week semester

    October 2020


  • Grading System

    The University awards the following grades and assigns quality points on a 4-point per credit scale:


    Points Per Credit

    Quality Description

































    Minimal Passing










    P+ 0
    High Pass (equivalent to C or better)



    Pass (equivalent to C- to D-)



    No Credit






    In Progress



    Not Received



    Transfer Credit

    Midterm Grade Policy

    Midterm grades are required for all undergraduate students in full-semester courses both fall and spring semesters; with the exception of internships, independent studies, clinicals, and student teaching.

    Midterm grades are required for labs and directed study and directed research courses.

    Incomplete Grade Policy

    In exceptional cases, a student may be granted an incomplete grade ("X") for a course. Incomplete grades are intended for students who, based on extenuating circumstances, need additional time to complete tests or assignments. To be eligible, the student must have completed at least 50% of the required coursework. Attending the class in the following semester without registering is not an option for completing an incomplete.

    The student must submit an online “Incomplete Grade Request Form” by the last day of the final exam period of the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course.  The request must include specific details concerning the reason for the request.  Before the request is approved, the student must discuss with the instructor the expectations and conditions governing completion of the coursework. Upon the approval of the instructor, the request, outlining these conditions, is automatically forwarded to the Registrar's Office who will issue the X grade.  Instructors cannot assign “X” grades through My.LaRoche.

    Students granted an incomplete grade for a course may take up to six (6) weeks from the beginning of the following academic semester, including summer semester, to complete the outstanding coursework.  The instructor may set an earlier, but not later deadline date.  Incomplete grade deadline dates for each semester are published in the online Academic Calendar.

    If an incomplete grade is issued for a spring semester course, the student will assume sole responsibility for maintaining contact with the faculty member, who may not be resident over the summer.

    In the event that the student does not complete the necessary work within the six (6) week period, the “X” grade will be changed by the instructor to the grade earned given zero points for all missing tests or assignments.  “X” grades not changed within 72 hours of the incomplete grade deadline will be converted to an “F” grade by the Registrar’s Office.  A request for extension beyond six (6) weeks may submitted in writing to the Registrar, and will be granted only by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and only under the most compelling circumstances.

    High Pass, Pass, Fail

    A student may register for one pass or fail course each semester.  Major, major elective courses, and University graduation requirement courses are not available for the pass or fail option, except for internship courses.  Individual departments will determine whether internship courses will be graded on a pass or fail basis.

    Application for the pass or fail option may be obtained from the Registrar's Office.  Signed applications must be submitted at the time of registration.  This formal application is irrevocable after the last day to add.  Since no quality points are assigned for a pass grade, the grade is not used in the calculation of the GPA; quality points will be assigned to a fail grade and used in the GPA calculation.

    Undergraduate courses use the High Pass/Pass/Fail grading scale, where a High Pass (P+) grade is equivalent to a C or better, Pass (P) is C- to D-, and a Fail is an F grade.  


    Students may audit courses.  An audit signifies that the student will not be asked to meet the course requirements such as written assignments or examinations, but that he or she has the privilege of class attendance and participation.  Formal application for this grading option must be made at the time of registration or no later than the end of the add/drop period.  The tuition for an audited course is identical to the tuition for degree status.  No credits toward graduation can be earned for audited courses, and no grade.  One may not change from an audit to a regular credit basis once the add/drop period has ended.

    Repeated Course

    A course may not be repeated more than twice without the approval of the student’s academic advisor and department chair.  When a course is repeated, the grades received in both the original course and the subsequent course will remain on the student’s academic record.  The higher of the two grades earned is included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average (GPA).

    The repeated course must be the same in which the original grade was earned.  In extenuating circumstances where a course is no longer offered, another course of similar content, verified by the chair of the department offering the course, may be approved as the replacement.  If a course number or title changes, with no change in content, the new number and title will be accepted as the replacement.

    Courses may not be repeated at any other institution and have that grade accepted as a replacement for the original grade earned at La Roche.

    Semester Credit Maximum

    The average number of credits carried by full-time students is 12-15 hours each semester.  Full-time tuition rate will be charged to students who take up to 18 credits.  Students with a 3.00 GPA for the preceding semester and a 2.5 cumulative average may take more than 17 credit hours during a semester with approval of the student's academic advisor.

    Student Evaluation

    During the last week of each semester each student confidentially and anonymously evaluates each course in which s/he is enrolled.  The faculty use these evaluations as a guide in improving their teaching and advising.

    Temporary Transfer

    Students who have earned more than 90 earned may not take a summer course as a Temporary Transfer.  Once a student is matriculated at La Roche University, no more than two courses, not to exceed 8 credits, may be taken and transferred from other colleges.  Authorization to have these credits transferred to La Roche must be obtained in writing via the Summer Temporary Transfer Request form before enrolling at another college.  Students may not transfer credits during their residency (the last 30 credits of their coursework).  Students must have a GPA of at least a 2.0 to be eligible. In most cases, permission for temporary transfer will be granted for the summer semester only.


    All requests for official transcripts are obtained through an online system.  A fee is charged for each official transcript requested.  A transcript will not be released for any student who has not met their financial obligations to the University.

    Withdrawal from the University

    If a student voluntarily withdraws from the University for any reason he/she must complete an exit survey and withdrawal on-line.  This procedure must be followed by all students wishing to withdraw from La Roche.  All refunds of tuition and fees are based on the official date of withdrawal.  Failure to properly complete the withdrawal process may result in the loss of good standing.

  • Graduation Application Procedures

    Students who plan to graduate in December, May, or August must formally apply for graduation by the deadline published in the academic calendar.   Students will need to complete an on-line graduation application, and meet with their advisor to confirm completion of graduation requirements.  Graduation fee is due at time of completion of the application, and can be paid on-line, in the Registrar's Office or Student Accounts Office.  Students will not be certified for graduation without filing an on-line graduation application.

    Academic Honors

    In order to recognize and encourage excellence in academic achievement, the University acknowledges at commencement those individuals who attain superior performance.  Students may be graduated with University or major honors if they have completed at least 45 graded credits at La Roche.  A student with a cumulative GPA as follows:

    • GPA of 3.900 - 4.000 Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)
    • GPA of 3.750 - 3.899 Magna Cum Laude (with high honors)
    • GPA of 3.500 - 3.749 Cum Laude (with honors)

    Major honors are awarded by faculty as outlined for the honors program.

  • Major Declaration


    Undeclared degree-seeking students at La Roche University are required to declare a major before or upon completion of 60 credits.  An undeclared transfer student who transfers in 60 or more credits must declare a major during or at the completion of their second semester at La Roche University.  

    Prior to declaring a major, students will be advised to meet with a department chair or faculty member from the department of the intended major to discuss their academic plans.  The appropriate “Major Declaration or Change” form must be signed by that department chair/faculty member before the official change of major is made.

    Students must declare a major by the published due date each semester in order to ensure proper advisor assignment for that semester’s advising and registration period.  The due date for major declarations will be published on the Academic Calendar.


    A student may officially declare a major by following these procedures:

    • Meet with a faculty member in the department of the intended major to discuss the major and the student’s academic progress toward that major
    • Fill out the “Major Declaration, Add, Change, or Remove Request” form found online at   Once submitted, the form will be routed to the appropriate faculty/offices.
    • Follow up with the Office of Student Academic Support Services to ensure all electronic signatures have been obtained.  

    Among the many benefits of declaring a major early in one’s academic career are the following: the ability to work with a faculty advisor, access to special programs and/or courses reserved for declared majors, and invitations to specific career-information events. 

    Working with a faculty advisor allows students to gain first-hand information on recommended course sequences, internships, departmental activities, student organizations, conferences, honor societies, professional affiliations, and scholarships.  In addition, it encourages the development of a long-term academic plan and allows ample time to fulfill that plan.


    November 2021

  • Online Course Limit Policy

    Students in on-campus programs should consult with financial aid to determine if there are any limitations on the number of online classes completed each semester.


    Online Asynchronous:  online instruction delivered without any face-to-face meeting requirement.  Student learning is on a student's own schedule, within a certain time frame.  There is no set meeting time.

    Online Synchronous:  online instruction delivered virtually, with scheduled meeting times via an online platform. Students must attend the online class at the scheduled meeting time.  

    Online Hybrid:  A blended class with some face-to-face component, but 51% or more of the instruction is delivered asynchronously online. (Considered “online” for financial aid purposes.) For hybrid classes, the course details must contain the percentage of in-classroom hours and the percent of online hours so that the expectations are clear to the student.

    On-Campus:  On-campus, face-to-face classes (which may use Canvas) or blended classes where 50% or more of the course is delivered face-to-face, and 50% or less is delivered online.


  • PCHE Cross-Registration

    Cross Registration

    Cross-registration is available in the Fall and Spring semesters only to full-time students enrolled in one of the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) institutions.  La Roche students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits at La Roche to be eligible.  Students may cross-register for only one course per fall or spring semester at only one of schools.  The grade earned for a cross-registered course is calculated in the student's La Roche GPA.

    Cross-registration forms are available online and must be processed by the deadlines established by each school.  The completed form must be submitted to the La Roche University (home institution) Registrar, with the approval of the students' advisor.  The student should NOT attempt to register directly at the host instituion for PCHE cross-registration.  All forms must contain the correct course number and title of the PCHE course, using the host institution's course code system.  

    The cross-registered course will be included in La Roche full-time tuition. However, students are responsible for paying for special course or laboratory fees to the host institution.  For further information concerning cross-registration, contact the Registrar's Office.

    Members of PCHE, in addition to La Roche, are: Carlow, Carnegie Mellon, Chatham, Community College of Allegheny County, Duquesne, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Point Park, Robert Morris, and the University of Pittsburgh.

  • Registration, Add/Drop, Withdrawal, Tuition Refund Policy

    Registration for all continuing* La Roche University students is through a web-based registration system known as permits students access to:

    • the course schedule for the registration session, including a listing of closed courses
    • on-line registration and course add and/or drop
    • the student's current schedule and grades
    • a degree audit which calculates the courses the student has completed and needs to complete to meet degree requirements
    • an email link to his/her advisor
    • a GPA projection link that allows the student to do a "what if?" scenario
    • the student's unofficial academic record
    • the student's biographical information on file at the University

    * A continuing student is one who was registered at La Roche within the last calendar year.
    ** A new student is one who is registering at La Roche for the first time.
    NOTE:  You must have a La Roche University network account in order to access online registration and student information.

    Registration Policy

    Students are permitted to attend only those classes for which they are registered.  Credits are not granted nor grades recorded on a transcript for any course for which a student has not been officially registered.  Students with outstanding balances are not permitted to register.

    Many upper-division courses have pre-requisites as listed in the Course Catalog.  Students may not register for courses until they have met the pre-requisites or unless the division chair or department chair grants permission in writing.

    Registration/Late Registration

    Registration for continuing students begins during the advising period and ends on the established registration deadline for the semester, as published in the online Academic Calendar.  During this period, continuing students register online through  

    After the registration deadline, and until the last day of add/drop, continuing students who have not yet started registration may be charged a $100 late registration fee.    

    Registration for new students begins immediately after the advising period for continuing students and ends on the last day of add/drop for the semester.  New students are registered by Graduate Studies and Adult Education (transfer and graduate students) or Student Academic Support Services (freshmen).

    Requests for Registration after the end of the add/drop period may be submitted to the Registrar, and will be considered only under extenuating circumstances with the approval the Academic Dean.  Contact the Registrar at for more information.

    Adding or Dropping of Classes (Add/Drop)

    The Add/Drop period for the Fall and Spring semesters and sessions is one week in length.  During this time, students add and drop courses online through  Permission of the instructor is required to add an online class after the first day of the semester or to add an accelerated course after the first class meeting.  Instructor permission may be obtained via La Roche email and forwarded to the Registrar's Office. Tuition charges are removed for all courses dropped within the first week of the semester.

    Non-attendance does NOT constitute an official class drop.  Failure to drop or withdrawn from a class will result in an "F" grade on the student's transcript.  Attendance does NOT constitute an official class add.  Grades will not be issued nor recorded for a student who completes a class for which he/she is not officially registered.

    Course Withdrawal with W Grade

    The withdrawal period is posted on the Academic Calendar for each semester/sub-session. W grades are assigned during this period.  The Course Withdrawal form is available online on the Registrar's web site.

    Course Withdrawal with F Grade

    After the deadline for withdrawal with a W grade, a student can withdraw with an automatic F grade (shown as WF, Withdrawn Failing) through the end of the semester or session.

    Accelerated Fall/Spring and Summer Session Add/Drop and Withdrawal Dates

    Students can withdraw from an eight-week accelerated course through Friday of the fifth week of the session.  The add/drop, withdrawal, and refund periods for the abbreviated summer sessions are based on the length of each session and number of class meetings, and students should consult the online academic calendar on the Registrar's web site for specific deadline dates.  Students can add, drop and withdraw online through

    Publication of Deadline Dates

    All registration, add/drop, and withdrawal dates are published in the online Academic Calendars published on the Registrar's web site.  Students are responsible for knowing and meeting all registration deadline dates.

    Withdrawal or Leave of Absence from the University

    Students who intend to leave the university temporarily (Leave of Absence) or permanently (Withdrawal) must complete the online Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form located under "Student Forms" on the Registrar's web site. Upon submission of this form, withdrawing students are directed to an online Exit Interview.

  • Returning Student: Academic Fresh Start

    The purpose of the “Academic Fresh Start” policy is to provide students who earned less than a 2.0 during their initial enrollment at La Roche, the opportunity to return for a “one-time only” option of having their GPA restarted.   To be eligible for an Academic Fresh Start, a student must:

    • be a former La Roche undergraduate who left La Roche without completing an academic program
    • have left the University with a GPA of less than 2.0
    • have been absent for a minimum of four years (twelve academic semesters)
    • have not been previously dismissed

    The Registrar will determine if the criteria for “Fresh Start” has been satisfied.  Eligibility for “Fresh Start” does not guarantee readmission.

    Under the Academic Fresh Start option, the Office of the Registrar begins a new GPA for the student upon readmission.  The student retains the credits for all previous courses completed with a grade of C or better, although the quality points earned from those courses will no longer be counted in calculation of the GPA.  Only quality points earned from courses taken after readmission will then apply to the student’s GPA.  A notation indicating the beginning of an “Academic Fresh Start” will appear on the student’s transcript.  Students should be aware that the previous academic record will remain on the transcript.

    Under this policy:

    • A student may not select some grades and credits to retain while excluding others.
    • To be eligible for a degree, a student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours after re-admission.
    • An Academic Fresh Start may be awarded only once, and once granted, is irrevocable
    • At any time, La Roche may designate certain majors as “enrollment controlled” and not available for an Academic Fresh Start

    The Academic Fresh Start policy does not allow the student to regain Financial Aid Eligibility.

  • Student Grievance Policy

    Grievance Policy

    Investigation of Complaints

    La Roche University will investigate all allegations promptly and in accordance with defined internal procedures. The procedures will be conducted by officials who have received training on issues related to this policy. Employees and/or students who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or termination. If a complainant is found to have been intentionally or maliciously dishonest, reckless, or frivolous in making the allegations, the complainant shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

    All direct or indirect forms of retaliation and/or intimidation (physical, verbal, social networking, etc.) against the accuser/accused, or person who provides information about incidents of sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. Furthermore, any person who is found responsible for any form of intimidation or retaliation may be subject to disciplinary action.

    La Roche respects the privacy of those reporting sexual misconduct; however, because of the serious nature of allegation of sexual misconduct and potential impact on the broader campus community, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Both parties simultaneously shall be informed in writing of the outcome of any institutional disciplinary proceeding, the appeal process, and any change to the results, and a timeframe for results.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Complainant, Respondent, and University

    During the student conduct process for a sexual misconduct complaint:

    • A complainant has the right file a charge when she or he believes sexual misconduct has occurred.
    • A respondent has the right to notice of charge and an opportunity for an administrative hearing in accordance with the student conduct process.
    • A complainant and respondent both have a right to appeal the outcome.
    • A complainant and respondent both have the right to view the material that will be considered.
    • A complainant and respondent both may have an advisor of their choice be present during the investigation; however, the advisor is not permitted to interrupt the investigation in any situation.
    • La Roche will take prompt and effective steps to ensure the safety of the complainant if necessary.
    • La Roche will investigate the complaint if warranted.
    • La Roche will notify both parties of the outcome.

    Campus Guest Policy

    La Roche students are responsible for the actions of their guests and may be held accountable through the Campus Judicial System for the actions of their guests. A guest is defined as any invited or uninvited person who is in the presence of a La Roche student. The student acting as host is responsible for informing his/her guest of the university regulations and assumes full responsibility for a guest’s behavior. The host assumes financial responsibility for any damage charges that may occur as a result of the guest’s actions. (See “Guest” section of Residence Life).

    Student Grievance Procedure

    La Roche University affirms the right of students to due process when they feel that they have been unjustly treated by University faculty, administration or staff. These procedures were developed so that students may have an opportunity for due process in non-disciplinary matters such as disputes with administration, apparent arbitrary judgment and unjust or discriminatory treatment. Disciplinary matters, such as violations of University policy and state and federal laws, will be handled in accordance with the Campus Student code of conduct System. Grade appeals are handled by using the Grade Appeal Procedure.

    These procedures were formulated by members of the student body, faculty and administration to ensure the rights, integrity and position of both the student and the party involved in the alleged grievance. The University also affirms the right of the parties involved to defend their positions should they choose to do so. The Grievance Procedure may not be used to challenge a University regulation or policy. It may, however, involve the application or administration of a policy to a particular group of students or to a particular student.


    An incident in which a student feels he/she has not been fairly treated in a non-disciplinary matter.

    Due process.
    To assure that each student is provided a fair hearing.

    Review Committee Membership

    The Student Grievance Review Committee membership is made up of the following University community representatives:

    • 3 students elected by Student Government;
    • 2 faculty representatives elected by the Academic Senate;
    • 1 Student Life staff member appointed by the Dean of Students (serves as chairperson); for clarification). This request must include the nature of the grievance and a statement of the facts to be presented.
    • 1 Academic Affairs staff member appointed by the Provost for Academic Affairs;
    • 1 administrative staff member from the Finance or Business Affairs offices appointed by the President.

    This committee is formulated in the spring semester of each year. Members serve on the committee for the succeeding academic year and summer session.

    If a member is not available to serve during the summer, an appointment will be made for that term by the appropriate person or governing body.

    A quorum for the Student Grievance Review Committee is 6; (two students, one faculty, one student affairs representative, one academic affairs representative, and one member of the business office staff).


    If a student feels that he/she has a grievance(s), he/she must attempt to settle it by speaking to the faculty/staff member who is directly responsible for the grievance. This discussion must take place within 10 business days from the time the student becomes aware of the problem. The faculty/staff member who is directly responsible for the grievance must respond in writing to the student within 5 business days after the discussion has taken place.

    If the student is dissatisfied with the results from step 1, the student will prepare a written appeal giving a clear and precise statement including the following:

    • A statement that the student has complied with step 1 above.
    • Specifics of the appeal.
    • Suggestions as to what the student would consider as fair resolution of the appeal, with supporting reason or reasons. This appeal is made to the immediate supervisor of the faculty/staff member who is responsible for the grievance. A duplicated copy of the appeal is sent to the appropriate line and officer at the same time. This appeal must be in writing and must be delivered within 10 business days of the response from the person directly responsible for the grievance. The immediate supervisor must respond in writing to the student within 5 business days after receiving the appeal. This procedure may continue, with the same time limitations, until the administrative officer has responded.
    • If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of steps 1 and 2, he/she may request a hearing before the review committee. This request is made in writing to the Dean of Students within business days after receipt of the response from the administrative officer. The request is forwarded to the chairperson of the review committee. (See review committee composition)
    • The student and the faculty/staff member who is directly responsible for the grievance will then receive notification of the date, time and place of the hearing, along with a list of the persons serving on the review committee.
    • The student, as the person directly responsible for the grievance, has the right to challenge for cause any member of the review committee; if the student, or the person directly responsible for the grievance, can establish bias on the part of the challenged member, the member may be excused. The chairperson of the review committee shall rule on such challenge and may confer with the membership of the committee (except the challenged member) in arriving at his/her decision. In cases where the chairperson is the member being challenged, the review committee will, by majority vote, decide whether or not the chairperson should be excused from the committee.
    • The faculty/staff member who is directly responsible for the grievance has the right to be present, testify and answer questions should he/she choose to do so.
    • The review committee must respond to the student, in writing, within 5 business days after the review committee hearing.
    • The results of the hearing are appealable to the President. The student must appeal in writing within 10 business days after receiving the results from the review committee. The President must respond to the student within 5 business days. There is no appeal to the Board of Trustees.
  • Transfer and Non-Traditional Credit

    Students transferring to La Roche University will have their transcripts evaluated by the Registrar after they have been admitted. Credits will be awarded on a course-by-course basis, considering course descriptions, outcomes and objectives. The Registrar may choose to consult faculty for further review of the courses.  In all cases the academic departments will have final determination in the evaluation of courses which satisfy department/major requirements.

    Transfer Credit Limits:

    • La Roche will accept a maximum of 90 transfer credits cumulative towards an undergraduate degree to include all transfer credits, credit by standardized examination, and credit for life experience.  These 90 credits may include:
      • A maximum of 90 credits from a four-year degree-granting institution, regionally accredited by one of the six accrediting organizations recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education
      • A maximum of 90 credits from a regionally accredited Community or Junior Colleges that offer two-year education programs and award associate degrees.
      • A maximum of 60 credits from a technical school, accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education.  A technical school is defined as a two-year institution of higher education that focuses on an occupational or technical curriculum, and awards associate degrees at the conclusion of the program.
      • La Roche may accept up to 6 semester hours of graduate credit toward a graduate degree at the discretion of the department.

    In all cases, only those courses which are congruent with the academic programs of La Roche will be accepted.

    Students may transfer in no more than 50% of the courses counted for a major. Individual departments may further limit the number of credits accepted to fulfill major requirements.

    Students may transfer in no more than 50% of the courses counted for a minor.

    All transfer students must request official transcripts be sent directly from the original credit granting institution to La Roche University, before transfer credit will be awarded. Transfer students who attended universities outside of the United States must submit an international credential evaluation report which explains how their international education compares to the U.S. system. (Transcripts must be translated into English before an evaluation can be processed.) A course-by-course evaluation including a grade point average (GPA) must be sent directly from an approved evaluation service to La Roche University.

    All students must complete the last 30 credits (in residency) towards their degree at La Roche University. In extenuating academic circumstances, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean may grant an exception to the residency policy. Transfer credit and credits from all other external sources cannot be included within the last 30 credits.

    Courses Not Accepted In Transfer:

    • Undergraduate courses completed with a grade below “C”.
    • Course completed with a grade of “P” or “S” (Pass or Satisfactory); unless verified by a transcript grading scale or in writing by the Registrar of the prior institution that such grade is equivalent to a grade of “C” or better.
    • Computer technology courses completed more than 10 years before a student’s matriculation at La Roche.
    • Courses completed more than 10 years before a student’s matriculation at La Roche into a nursing major, unless the student is a licensed Registered Nurse.
    • Courses offered for non-credit Continuing Education Units (CEU).
    • Developmental courses, or non-college level coursework, usually numbered below 100 or 1,000 level.
    • Non-credit courses providing instruction in English as a Second Language.
    • Courses for which the student has already earned credit for an equivalent course.

    Non-Traditional Learning Options

    La Roche University will accept a maximum of 60 credits total from non-traditional sources listed below:

    Advanced Placement (AP).  Students must have their scores sent directly from the College Board to the Registrar to receive credit. Credit is awarded based on minimum score needed for credit, found in the standardized exam credit equivalency charts maintained by the Registrar’s Office. 

    International Baccalaureate Program (IB).  Credit is awarded based on minimum score needed for credit, found in the standardized exam credit equivalency charts maintained by the Registrar’s Office. Students must have their examination results sent from International Baccalaureate directly to the Registrar to receive credit.

    Challenge Examinations.  La Roche University affords a student the opportunity to demonstrate that the knowledge associated with a particular course has already been gained through instructor prepared challenge examinations (the “exam”). Matriculated La Roche students may challenge an exam only if they have completed 30 credits of La Roche University class instruction. A maximum of 60 credits may be earned through credit by challenge exam. Departments determine and maintain both a list of available challenge courses and the restrictions on those courses. Normally, a course is challenged only during the semester in which it is offered. Students may not challenge a course which they have failed or retake a failed challenge exam. Students may not challenge a course for which they have registered after the last day of the add period. Challenge exams are not recommended for students unfamiliar with the subject area. Credits earned through challenge exams will be applied to degree credit requirements.

    Students must pay an application fee and complete the appropriate form, available from the Registrar's Office.  Signatures from the instructor, the advisor & division chair or department chairperson are necessary.  An additional per credit fee is required when credits are granted for the completed exam.

    • External Examinations.  Satisfactory scores on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), and other examinations evaluated by American Council on Education (ACE) for college-level credit.  Students must have scores reported directly to the Registrar.  Each academic department determines if credit by exam is applicable to their specific majors.  No standardized examinations are permitted during the student's residency (last 30 credits). 

    Credit is awarded based on minimum score needed for credit, found in the standardized exam credit equivalency charts maintained by the Registrar’s Office. DANTES results are evaluated on a per course basis with the academic department. 

    • Credit for Training.  Credit will be awarded for military training that has been evaluated and recommended for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE).  Students must submit documentation (AARTS or SMARTS transcript is recommended, at minimum a DD214 or DD295) of training to the Registrar.

    • Credit for Life Experience. A La Roche student can earn up to 30 credits at the undergraduate level through work and life experience through the development of a portfolio.  Portfolios are submitted to the Registrar’s Office and evaluated by La Roche faculty in the student’s intended major.  Credit for Life Experience credit hours can be applied toward general and major electives and courses for lower and upper division requirements for your major.


    Updated 2024


  • VA Pending Payment Compliance Policy

    In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), La Roche University adopted the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA.

    La Roche will not:

    • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
    • Assess a late penalty fee to;
    • Require student secure alternative or additional funding;
    • Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

    However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

    • Provide Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent) or for Chapter 31, VA VR&E’s contract with the school on VA Form 28-1905 by the first day of class.
      • Note: Chapter 33 students can register at the VA Regional Office to use E-Benefits to get the equivalent of a Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility. Chapter 31 students cannot get a completed VA Form 28-1905 (or any equivalent) before the VA VR&E case-manager issues it to the school. 
    • Provide written request to be certified.
    • Provide additional information to properly certify the enrollment, as needed.