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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I study abroad?

Anywhere! You must meet La Roche's student eligibility requirements and follow University procedures.

What is the cost of studying abroad?

Programs vary in cost as a result of numerous factors. For instance, studying abroad in Paris, France will be more expensive than studying in Lisbon, Portugal, due to the difference in cost of living. The Study Abroad Office will assist you with your financial questions and work with you to achieve your study abroad goals.

Do I have to know another language?

Although knowledge of another language is helpful, knowing a foreign language is not a requirement to study abroad.

Why should I study abroad?

There are many benefits of studying abroad! Not only will you enhance your resume, but you will explore a new culture, make lifelong friends, learn more about yourself and gain a global mindset. Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with numerous life skills.

The following two article list reasons why studying abroad is worth your time.

When can I study abroad?

The ideal time for studying abroad is during your junior year. However, you may go as early as a sophomore. Consult with the Study Abroad Office and your advisor to decide when and where is best for you.

Is it safe to study abroad?

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity, but students should take safety precautions while in a foreign country. The Study Abroad office remains a resource for students to utilize before, during and after their time abroad. All students must take personal responsibility of their own safety, security and general wellbeing while they are abroad. Students can have a rewarding and safe experience, but they must consider the associated risks and be prepared.