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Title IX Compliance

La Roche University is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

We are a community of people dedicated to academic achievement and personal development. The University endorses and supports values developed in the Catholic tradition and recognizes that the community living on campus demands commonly accepted standards of conduct.

In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other applicable laws, La Roche University prohibits sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and any other type of sexual misconduct.

La Roche can assist students with medical assistance, advocacy and support services, and housing or academic accommodations. Employees who have knowledge of any form of sexual misconduct that occurs on our campus or that involves any employee, student or guest, are required to report the incident immediately.

Any employee who believes she or he is a victim of sexual misconduct should bring the matter to the attention of her/his supervisor or the associate vice president for human resources.

La Roche University Sexual Assault Victims Bill of Rights

La Roche University understands the trauma connected with being a victim of sexual violence and is committed to confidentiality and assistance. Victims of campus-related sexual assaults shall be accorded the following rights:

  • The right to be treated with dignity.
  • The right to report an act of sexual violence to the Title IX coordinator, Public Safety, and local law enforcement agencies.
  • The right to have sexual assaults committed against them investigated and adjudicated by the University.
  • The right to be free from any kind of pressure from campus personnel to not report crimes.
  • The right to assistance or ability to have others present in any campus disciplinary proceeding.
  • The right to be notified of the outcome of a disciplinary proceeding resulting from a complaint of sexual assault.
  • The right to be made aware of and assisted in exercising any options with regard to reporting the assault to local police authorities and to seek medical attention.
  • The right to counseling from La Roche’s counseling department or from other local victim service entities such as Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR).
  • The right to require the campus personnel take necessary steps to prevent any unnecessary or unwanted contact or proximity with alleged assailants, including housing and/or academic accommodations and no contact orders. The victim has the right to obtain an order of protection, restraining order or similar lawful orders issued by a court or enforce an order already in existence.

Any student who believes she or he has been a victim of sexual misconduct or knows of a sexual assault may contact any one of these support services:

Emergency Numbers

  • McCandless Police: 911
  • Pittsburgh Action Against Rape: 1-866-END-RAPE [1-866-363-7273]
  • Public Safety: 412-536-1111
  • Counseling Services: 412-918-6372
  • Resident Assistant: On Duty

Non-Emergency Numbers

  • Title IX Coordinator, Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students: 412-536-1069
  • Director of Public Safety: 412-536-1104
  • Director of Counseling Services: 412-847-2506
  • Director of Residence Life: 412-536-1194

For additional information, visit the policies and procedures page on the University’s intranet.

Inquiries also may be referred to the Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education at 800-421-3481

Other Resources

Report a Sexual Asssault

If you are a victim of sexual assault, dating violence or another type of sexual harassment, you can file a report online.

All reports made to the Title IX Office will be taken seriously. If the reporting party requests that the report remain confidential, the University will make all reasonable attempts to comply with this request consistent with the University’s obligation to respond to sexual assault reports.

You may confidentially report sexual misconduct to Counseling Services:

  • Reports made to counseling services will not be shared on an individual or identifying level; however, statistics may be shared with the Title IX coordinator for reporting purposes.
  • Other places to report that will not be shared with the university include Pittsburgh Advocates Against Rape (PAAR): 1-866-END-RAPE (363-7273)

The Title IX Coordinator will review the report and reach out to the reporting parting (if known) to review resources and support measures, including:

  • A no contract order
  • Academic accommodations
  • Housing accommodations
  • Workplace accommodations
  • Other safety and support measures

Options for further investigation and resolution also may be reviewed.

Students who report their sexual assault will not face disciplinary action regarding drugs, alcohol or other minor student conduct violations that may have been associated with their assault.

Any member of the La Roche community may make reports pertaining to title IX online and anonymously. This online reporting option is not an emergency service. For emergency services, call Public Safety at 412-536-1111.

You have the option of reporting online which can also be anonymously reported. However, anonymous reports may impact the University’s ability to respond or pursue appropriate action against the alleged perpetrators.

The Title IX Office can provide further information about resources available on and off campus. If you would like the Title IX Coordinator or a deputy to contact you, please include your name and contact information.