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Providence Campus Ministry

Providence Campus Ministry seeks to build the campus community by exploring the La Roche University mission each day.

We serve students, staff and faculty through spiritual opportunities, service projects and other programming that promotes peace and justice in our local and global community.

La Roche’s mission is solidly linked with the mission of its founders, the Sisters of Divine Providence, as we share the desire to co-create a world of compassion, justice and peace.

Providence Campus Ministry works with the Sisters to further the work of promoting peace and justice through shared programs and projects reflecting our common bond and Catholic heritage.

Ministry Programs

Life Christian Fellowship: Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in the Ryan Room
This non-denominational fellowship group is open to all students. Students are invited to share faith, fellowship, prayer and praise as they come together to reflect on the role of God and faith in their daily lives.

Come for worship music led by students, interaction with students of all faith traditions, relevant discussions and tasty snacks. Students also can be involved in student leadership, service projects and small group opportunities throughout the school year.

Prayer Vigils
Attend one of our monthly prayer vigils. We will listen to music, reflect on issues of racial justice, and talk about action we can take. All are welcome!

The Saint John’s Bible
We invite you to explore this work of art that unites an ancient Benedictine tradition with the technology and vision of today, illuminating the Word of God for a new millennium. Join us for reflection and sharing on Biblical text and illumination.

Coffee and Catholicism
Come together with Father Peter Horton and others to ask questions about the Catholic faith. We will share lively discussion and good conversation over coffee and dessert.

Campus Ministries
Were you active in your church’s youth group back home? Help Campus Ministry plan and host spiritual experiences for yourself and fellow students! We want to hear from you about prayer that is meaningful, events that are fun and how you want to grow as a spiritual person. Contact Father Peter Horton at

For those thinking about confirmation and those interested in joining the Catholic faith, this is a program designed especially for you.

The RCIA process is a combination of learning, prayer and dialogue in a comfortable atmosphere in which the participants reflect on their faith journey and discern the steps to deepen their relationship with God in the Catholic faith.

For more information, contact Father Peter Horton at

Prayers for You
The Sisters of Divine Providence are praying for you! Don’t forget that if you need their prayers. Students are prayed for daily. If you feel alone, remember, you are not. Submit your prayer request online.

Service Learning

Each semester Providence Campus Ministry offers valuable opportunities for students to serve others, develop leadership skills and understand the needs of marginalized people in our society. Volunteer initiatives include:

  • Working with at-risk children and their families
  •  Visiting the elderly
  •  Taking food, blankets and other essentials to the homeless
  •  Participating in neighborhood cleanup and rehabilitation
  •  Organizing health fairs, blood drives and food drive

Basing its volunteer offerings on Catholic Social Teaching, we seek to:

  • Feed the hungry and help those suffering the effects of poverty
  • Help educate children
  • Promote health care awareness
  • Work for environmental sustainability
  • Development an awareness of global needs