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March 07, 2025

Donor Acknowledgement: James and Marti Dill

James and Marti Dill standing in a wooded area.

James and Marti Dill Pledge $1 Million to La Roche University

James Dill ’77 wears two rings on his hand. One is his wedding ring, symbolizing his commitment to his wife of 48 years, Marti. The second is his La Roche College (now University) graduation ring.

“I’ve been wearing both since 1977,” he said. “They represent the two most important things in my life.”

As long-time benefactors of La Roche, the Dills have consistently supported the University and are committed to continuing this tradition after they are gone. The couple recently bequeathed $1 million to support La Roche in fulfilling its mission and empowering students.

“One of the most important things to both of us is knowing that the gift we’re making will be well-spent,” said Marti. “We trust and know that the current faculty and board will show good stewardship, doing what is best for the campus, students and faculty.”

“No matter who walks through the door, we want them to be surrounded with support, guidance and a feeling of being lifted up, just like I was,” James said. “La Roche has a very warm, loving atmosphere that provides its students with the support they need. We want to continue that legacy.”

La Roche President Christina A. Clark, Ph.D., said this bequest is just one more example of how the Dills have shown generosity over the years. “We are very grateful to the Dills for their support of La Roche for nearly five decades. They exemplify the value of a La Roche education and continue to live in the spirit of the University’s mission. Their generous bequest ensures that, far into the future, others will have the opportunity to excel in their careers and to serve their communities in meaningful ways,” she said.

A Lifetime Commitment

After high school, James was drafted into the Navy, and in 1974, joined La Roche, where he double majored in math and business administration. Not long after graduating, he and Marti were married. A few weeks later, the couple drove to Long Beach, CA in a 17-foot U-Haul with $500, no jobs and no place to live.

Within two days, they found a home and received job offers. After working for a small, family-owned company for six years, James joined Teledyne Technologies, where he rose through the ranks and retired in 2020 after 36 years.

Setting Students Up for Success

The Dills have long supported their alma mater, crediting James’ college experience with shaping his career and life success.

“He really thrived there in a way that he would not have on a campus of 20,000 people,” Marti said. “If he needed help, they noticed; and if they thought he could do better, they challenged him. Going to a smaller school made a big difference then, and it still does.”

James describes his time at La Roche as "exceptionally positive," emphasizing the importance of being able to rely on others. Both he and Marti were dedicated volunteers in their Long Beach community, where they lived for 28 years, with Marti working as a hospice volunteer and James teaching fitness classes at the YMCA. After retiring in Forest Hill, CA, Marti continued volunteer work with hospice, a food pantry and transporting seniors to appointments.

“When students are treated with empathy, as they are at La Roche, they emulate what they receive,” James said. “I don’t think you ever lose that desire to take care of others and help them meet their goals.”