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Bias Incident Reporting

The Bias Incident Reporting allows for individuals to have an adequate means of reporting if directly or indirectly affected by bias-motivated incidents.

The reporting protocol continues the work of ensuring that the campus environment is safe for all members and is free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, military or veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

Defining Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents

Hate Crime can be defined as criminal offense motivated by the offender’s bias or hate towards the victim’s status based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin and disability. Offenders may use physical violence, verbal threats of violence, vandalism, and in some cases weapons, explosives and arson.

Bias Incident also is offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender identity; however, it may not be considered criminal. Bias incidents include hostile curricular and co-curricular environments and harassing behavior that is severe, persistent or pervasive to the point that it threatens an individual or limits the ability of the individual to live, work and study on campus.   

Note: Hate crimes are bias incidents, but not all bias incidents are hate crimes.

Examples of the Bias Incidents

Racial and ethnic stereotype-themed parties or costumes: Student organizations that host theme parties that encourage people to wear costumes and act out in ways that reinforce stereotypes and create a campus climate that is hostile to racial and ethnic minority groups.

Graffiti: Graffiti on residence hall room white board that expresses bias against the above categories, e.g., sexist or racist language or images. Note: If the graffiti constitute criminal vandalism or property damage, it can constitute a hate crime. 

Bias in the classroom: Professors who make pejorative comments or stereotypes about a protected class of people during lectures. Due to the power dynamics, students may be reluctant to respond and could then lead to a hostile learning environment.
Ridiculing a person's language or accent.

    How to Report Online

    You are encouraged to submit an online Bias Incident Reporting form. You have the option of anonymously reporting the incident online; however, this may impact the University’s ability to respond or pursue appropriate action against the alleged perpetrators. You will need to have a La Roche Network Account to submit this form.

    How to Report In Person or by Phone to Public Safety

    A targeted student or group may meet with a Public Safety officer to report a bias incident or a hate crime. Public Safety will forward the report to the designee who will offer to review hate crime and discrimination policies and discuss options for follow-up.

    If a bias incident and/or hate crime is in the form of graffiti or other posting, it should not be removed or destroyed. Public Safety should be called immediately.

    Response to Bias Incident Reports

    The University’s response to a bias incident report will depend on various factors, including the nature and severity of the complaint, whether the alleged violator can be identified, the reporting individual’s wishes as to how the matter should be handled and the effect on the campus community.