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National Security Studies

The National Security Studies program is designed to prepare you for entry-level positions in state or federal agencies that defend the homeland or implement U.S. foreign policy and strategic objectives.

Professionals who protect our nation’s security must have a solid background in foreign languages, statistical techniques, computer applications, data management systems, oral presentations and analytical writing.

At La Roche University the National Security Studies major trains you in all of these areas. You’ll gain the knowledge, skills and professional experience that you need to prepare for a career in this competitive field.

By the time you graduate from La Roche, you’ll possess the following skills:

  • The ability to produce written reports based on research, correlation and analysis
  • Oral presentation skills, including computer-facilitated presentations
  • Knowledge of statistical techniques
  • Knowledge of computer applications and data management systems
La Roche’s liberal arts foundation is the perfect backdrop for the interdisciplinary nature of the national security studies major. The emphasis on analytical skills, applied computer applications and international affairs makes our graduates attractive candidates for corporate security positions with multinational corporations.


Real-World Experience

Most students in the National Security Studies program complete an internship or co-op program in one of these areas: intelligence, national government, cyber security, law enforcement or corporate security. These opportunities allow students to spend time working with professionals in the field while gaining valuable experiences to prepare for today' competitive job market.


Expert Faculty

You’ll take classes led by current and former members of the national security community. These professors hold advanced degrees in their disciplines, along with extensive knowledge of cyber investigations, political science, international relations, law and information systems.


What Can You Do With Your Degree?

A Bachelor of Science in national security studies prepares students for careers in:
  • National security
  • Foreign service
  • Corporate security
  • International law enforcement
  • Intelligence analysis
The rigor of our program also offers exceptional preparation for graduate or law school.