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Planned Giving

At La Roche University we understand the importance of thoughtful estate planning.

We deeply value the generosity of donors who choose legacy commitments that can provide vital support for scholarships, academic programs, campus enhancements and other initiatives that shape the future of the University.

This support ensures we can continue to provide transformative educational experiences for generations to come.

Types of Gifts

  • Bequests: Including La Roche in your will is a simple yet powerful way to make a lasting impact. You can designate a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or residual assets to support our mission.
  • Retirement Assets: You can name La Roche as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts, such as 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans or IRAs. This allows you to support La Roche students while potentially reducing estate and income taxes for your loved ones.
  • Donor Advised Funds (DAF): After establishing a donor advised fund with a financial institution of your choice, you can recommend grants to La Roche over time.
  • Life Insurance Policies: By naming La Roche as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you can make a significant gift without impacting your current financial situation. You also can transfer ownership of a paid-up policy to support our mission.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT): A CRT allows you to receive income from the trust during your lifetime, with the remaining assets ultimately benefiting La Roche. This type of trust can provide you with financial flexibility and tax advantages.

Why Leave a Gift in Your Will?

Leaving a gift to La Roche in your will is a simple and easy way to leave a legacy for students and programs. By including La Roche in your will, you can:
  • Ensure the continued success and growth of La Roche now and in the future.
  • Make a lasting impact on the lives of students, faculty and the La Roche community.
  • Honor the values and principles that are important to you.
  • Receive potential estate tax benefits while leaving your legacy.

Ways to Include La Roche in Your Will

  • Specific Bequest: Designate a specific dollar amount, percentage of your estate or a specific asset to La Roche.
  • Residuary Bequest: Name La Roche as the beneficiary of the remainder or portion of your estate after specific bequests and expenses have been paid.
  • Contingent Bequest: Specify La Roche as the beneficiary in the event that your primary beneficiaries predecease you.
We encourage you to consult with your financial advisors and members of La Roche’s Office of University Advancement to explore the best strategy for achieving your philanthropic goals.

For More Information

Please contact the Office of University Advancement at